Tree-Ring Society
Membership in the Tree-Ring Society
Your membership supports the international dendrochronology community in multiple ways.  TRS provides substantial financial support to the Ameridendro and the WorldDendro meetings, without which the meetings would not occur.  This funding also provides student travel grants.  Membership fees fund publication of our journal, Tree-Ring Research, published for over 80 years.  

Tree-Ring Society membership includes a subscription to Tree-Ring Research and announcements of future tree-ring related meetings and workshops.  Members may apply to host meetings, nominate colleagues for awards, and run for Council positions. 

Five classes of membership are available: 
  • Individual: US$55
  • Resident of a Developing Country*: US$25
  • Retired Individual: US$25
  • Student: US$25
  • Institution: US$70
  • Lifetime:  US$1,000
To become a member, fill out the application form below and either send in your payment with a check or money order; or pay by credit card at the end of the application process.
* As defined by the  International Monetary Fund (Wikipedia, see bottom of page).

To mail payment:
Tree-Ring Society
3021 Zodiac Ct
Loveland, CO 80537 USA

Questions? please contact Lori Wilson at


The Tree-Ring Society was founded in 1935 by A.E. Douglass and several archaeological colleagues at the third Tree-Ring Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Douglass and the new science of dendrochronology had recently won worldwide acclaim by providing precise dates for construction of many of the great pueblo villages of the southwestern US.  The first issue of the new journal Tree-Ring Bulletin
was published the year before, and Douglass was elected as the first President of the new society dedicated to strengthening the fledging discipline of dendrochronology.  During the following years, the Society maintained a very close relationship with the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona in Tucson, founded by Douglass in 1937.

Dendrochronology today consists of numerous laboratories and individual scientists that benefit from a professional association that serves as a conduit for the latest news of the discipline and serves to promote tree-ring research to the larger scientific community. The membership of the Society is reflective of the global nature of contemporary tree-ring research. 

The Society is governed by an Executive Board, elected to serve from 2021-2023.

President: Jodi Axelson, Research Leader, Silviculture, BC Ministry of Forests, Range, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, 

Vice President: Yu Liu, Dr. and Professor, Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IEECAS),

Secretary: David Rasch, Western Region Director of the American Conifer Society,

Treasurer: Adam Csank, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Nevada, Reno,

Editor of Tree-Ring Research: Steve Leavitt, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, sleavitt [at]

Communications: Iain Robertson, Department of Geography, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, i.robertson [at]

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:  Kelsey Copes-Gerbitz, PhD Candidate, Forestry, University of British Columbia,

Student Member: Kate Kitchens, PhD Student, Forest and Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada,

Society Bylaws

For questions or comments about the website or membership, contact Lori Wilson (trslori [at] gmail dot com. The Tree-Ring Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit association. 
© Tree-Ring Society.  All rights reserv

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